The Bingo Game for Multiplication (using Chart V)

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  • Chart V
  • Box of tiles with products
  • A box of combination cards
  • Chart I and III



Exercise 1.
All of the tiles are lain out on the table face up. The child fishes for a combination and writes it down 8 x 4 =. He thinks of the answer and writes it down. The tile with the product is found and placed on the board. The child fishes for another combination.

Exercise 2.
With all of the tiles in the box, the child fishes for a tile. On the paper he writes down a combination that will yield that product, 18 = 3 x 6. The tile is placed on the chart appropriately.

Exercise 3.
All of the tiles are placed in stacks of common products. The child chooses one stack, i.e. 12's. On the paper he writes down a combination that will yield 12, 12 = 2 x 6. One of the '12' tiles is placed on the chart where 2 and 6 meet. The child thinks of another, and continues until all of the tiles in the stack are used.

Control Of Error

The Charts.

Points Of Interest

Note: What shape is made when the stacks of tiles are lined up in order? No special figure is made this time.



  1. As before the directress may read a combination, the child responds with the correct product; or the directress picks a tile.
  2. The children give all of the possible combinations.
  3. These games should be done frequently, as they encourage the child to go back to these exercise if he needs more practice.

