Bead Bars: Sums greater than Ten

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  • Ten bars
  • Colored bead bars
  • Box of signs for operations


Command cards may be made.


  1. The child combines two or more numbers, whose sum will be greater than ten.
  2. The colored bead bar is placed below the ten bar to facilitate counting.
  3. For example:A child chooses 14 and 12 in beads to add.
  4. Tell the child to add the units first and then the tens to achieve the sum: 4 + 2 = 6 and 2 tens are twenty.
  5. The sum is 26.
  6. The child chooses 18 + 25 in beads.
  7. Again units are added first. Since that sum is 13.
  8. Place a three bar below and carry the one ten mentally.
  9. Carrying the one ten add the other tens.
  10. The sum is 4 tens and the total sum is 43.

Control Of Error

The chart.

Points Of Interest


  • To give a child experience with horizontal as well as vertical addition.


