Prepositions: Exercises

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  • Miniature environment
  •  Object labels
  • Cards with prepositions<span id="fck_dom_range_temp_1248152645843_167" />
  • Long strips on which phrases are printed



Exercise 1:

  1. The child is given an object label, which he/she/she reads, then gets the object and places the symbols over the words.
  2. The same child does the same for a second object.
  3. Then the directress gives him/her/her a preposition card to place between.
  4. He matches the symbols to the preposition.
  5. The child puts the objects in the indicated relationship and copies the words into his journal and adds the symbols.
  6. Those cards are removed but the objects remain as the children each place objects in special relationships.
  7. Each time the result of this exercise is different.
  8. When the children work alone they choose the cards randomly.

Exercise 2:

  1. With the long strips, each child in turn takes one, reads it, executes the command, lays out the symbols and copies it down.
  2. Again the objects remain but the labels are removed as the child finishes copying.

Control Of Error

Points Of Interest

The children may have prepositional commands in creative movement exercises: bodies in relation to one another.


  • Point of consciousness: the function of the preposition is to put objects in relation to one another in a specific manner.


