Baric tablets
From wikisori
- Three boxes containing three sets of wooden tablets made from different types of timber, e.g. beech, oak, mahogany. The tablets weigh approximately 12, 18 and 24 grams each respectively, making the difference of 6 grams between each variety.
- A blindfold.
This exercise has to be done with two people, both Directress and child or two children, either at the table or on the floor. (Note: work cycle to be observed)
- The Directress sits opposite the child and shows the child how to handle the tablet: Place one of the tablets on the palm and move both hands, with palm facing outward in an up down motion, weighing it.
- The Directress illustrates what is heavy and what is light: Take one of the heavier tablets, place it on the palm. Move the hand, weighing it and say, "This is heavy". Place it on the child's palm and ask him to do the same. Similarly, for the lighter tablet: "This is light".
- The Directress starts with the child's eyes open and gradually encourages the child to close his eyes, starting with two sets of baric tablets that vary most in weight. The Directoress asks the child to say which is heavy or light.
- The Directress then proceeds to work through the two sets of baric tablets until the child has sorted them all into lighter and heavier.
Control Of Error
The child closes his eyes to focus his attention on the weight rather than the color of the wooden tablets.
When he opens his eyes, the child can check whether or not he has sorted the tablets correctly by weight by looking at the different colors of these three types of timber.
Points Of Interest
Once two or more children have been shown how to do the exercises, two children may work together.
Eventually three sets can be used and sorted into lightest, heavier and heaviest.
- Stimulate the child's interest and awareness in differences in weight.
- Develop and refine the child's basic language; important in mathematics.
- May use different material.
- Using a weight scale to check.