Power of Two
From wikisori
2 1/2-4 yrs
- Seven wooden prisms: three yellow cubes, two white quadrilateral prisms, and two gree quadrilateral prisms. When organized together, these prisms form a cube that is contained in a box with a lid.
This is an individual exercise, which may be done on a neutral colored mat on the table. (Note: Work cycle to be observed).
- Invite the child to work with the 'power of two'.
- Show the child where the power of two is located on the shelf. When the child has made the selection of the material, begin with the third step after naming the material for the child.
- Indicate the procedure for carrying the material: place one hand on each side of the box.
- Place the box on a table or rug.
- Move the box to the left, and remove the lid.
- Say, " I will build this cube on the lid."
- Pemove the smallest yellow cube and continue the removal of the prisms from the smallest to the largest, building the first layer outside the box.
- The second layer is a single green prism.
- To remove the prism, place the left hand over the prism and place the right hand behind the lid.
- With the right hand, tilt the entire box over allowing the green prism to slip into the left hand.
- Gently lower the right hand and close the lid on the box.
- Place the large green prism on the layer built outside the box.
- Rebuild the cube in the box, beginning with the large green prisms. In rebuilding the top layer in the box, select the large white prism to be placed in the top layer back.
- Then proceed from left to right to rebuild the top layer front, going from the largest to the smallest prism.
- Return the material to the shelf in the manner described indicated in step #3.
Control Of Error
The prisms will fit in the box only if placed correctly.
Points Of Interest
The prisms of the same color are also of the same shape.
- Development of the visual sense of shape.
- Development of concentration, order, corrdinantion, and independence.
- Development of an appreciation for beauty of form in three dimensions.
- Responds to the sensitive need for order in the child.
- Preparation for the mathematical concepts involved in the power of two.
- Proceed as in presentation 1 through step #4. Beginning with the smallest prism, place the prisms in a row from right to left. A horizontal line of prisms is then formed. Replace the prisms, beginning with the largest and proceeding to the smallest, from left to right.
- Proceeding as in presentation 2. Before replacing the prisms, select the smallest prism (the yellow cube) and place it in front of the large yellow cube. Select the small white prism and place it in front of the large white prism. Select the small green prism and place it in front of the large green prism. Note the similarity of the prisms matched.
- Proceed as in presentation 2. Slide the two small yellow cubes together. Then slide the two small yellow cubes next to the small white prisms. Note that the two yellow cubes are equivalent to the small white prism. Move the two small yellow prisms and small white prism next to the small green prism. Note the equivalence of the prisms to the green prism. Place the prisms on the small green prism and move this set of prisms to the large yellow cube. Not that this set of prisms is equivalent to the large yellow cube. Then move these prisms to the large yellow prism. Note that the set of prisms is equivalent to the large white prism. Move all these prisms next to the large green prism. Note that the set of prisms is equivalent to the large green prism.
- Proceed as in presentation 2. Place the emptied box a distance away on a table or rug. Rebuild the cube inside the box, transfering the prisms one at a time into the box.
- Proceed as in presentation 2. Using a blindfold, replace the prism into the box.