Rectangular Box 2
From wikisori
3-5 years
- Eight blue triangles with no black lines.
- Two isosceles right triangles.
- Two scalene right triangles.
- Two equilateral triangles.
- One scalene right triangle and one obtuse triangle.
This is an individual exercise, which may be done on a neutral colored rug. (Note: Work cycle to be observed).
- Invite the child to work with the 'rectangular box'.
- Show the child where the rectangular box is located on the shelf.
- When the child has made the selection of the material, begin with the third step after naming the material for the child.
- Indicate the procedure for carrying the material: one hand on each side of the rectangular box with the thumbs on the top and fingers on the bottom.
- Place the box in the upeer left side of the rug.
- Remove the lid and place it to the right of the box.
- Say, "I will make shapes from the triangles."
- Remove the two isosceles right triangles one at a time, and place them in a straight line below the lid.
- Slide them against each other, forming a square.
- Again, slide them together to form a rhomboid.
- Slide them together, to form a different rhomboid.
- Select the two scalene right triangles one at a time.
- Slide them against eachother, forming a rectangle.
- Again, slide them together to form a rhomboid.
- Slide them together to form a different rhomboid.
- Select the two equilateral triangles one at a time.
- Slide them against eachother, to form a rhombus.
- Select the one scalene right triangle and the one scalene obtuse triangle one at a time.
- Slide them together, to form a trapezoid.
- Replace the material into the box beginning with the trapezoid on thr right.
- Return the material to the shelf in the manner described in #3.
Control Of Error
Visual disharmony.
Points Of Interest
Superimposing the blue triangles on the various other triangles. Mixing and pairing the triangles.
- To show the quadrilateral figures formed by various triangles.
- Refinement of perception.
- Development of concentration, order, coordination, and independence.
- Responds to the sensitive need of order in the child.
- Preparation for geometry.
- Development of appreciation of line and form.
- Development of creativity.
- Remove all triangles from the box and freely explore the possible relationships between triangles.
- Combination of rectangular box 1 with the blue triangles from rectangular box 2 for matching equal quadrilateral figures created. Superimpose the figures.
- When the child has exhausted the possible geometric figures, 'flip' one of the triangles with a figure and create a new geometric figure.
- Trace the triangles on construction paper and cut out. Paste the variations on paper and make a booklet.
- Trace the triangles on construction paper and cut out. Paste the variations on poster board for charts.