Small Hexagonal Box
From wikisori
- Six grey equilateral triangles with black lines on two sides.
- Three green equilateral triangles, one of which has black lines on two sides and two with black lines on one side.
- Six red isosceles obtuse triangles that have a black line on the side opposite the obtuse angle.
- One yellow equilateral triangle.
- Two red equilateral triangles with a black line on one side.
This is an individual exercise, which may be done on a neutral colored rug. (Note: Work cycle to be observed).
- Invite the child to work with the 'Small hexagonal box'.
- Show the child where the small hexagonal box is located on the shelf.
- When the child has made the selection of the material, begin with the third step after naming the material for the child.
- Indicate the procedure for carrying the material: one hand on each side of box with thumbs on the top and the fingers on the bottom.
- Place the box on a rug.
- Place the box in the upper left side of the rug.
- Say, "I will make shapes with the triangles."
- Remove the lid. Select the yellow equilateral triangle and place it to the right of the lid.
- Select six Isosceles obtuse triangles, one at a time placing them in a straight line below the box.
- Trace the black line with the index and middle fingers.
- Slide the triangles together to foram a rhombus and continue until you have made three rhombi.
- With two hands, make the first two rhombi point to the top of the rug.
- Slide the third rhombi below forming the hexagon.
- Slide Hexagon to the left.
- Select the six grey equilateral triangles, one at a time placing them in a straight line at the bottom of the rug.
- Trace the black lines with the index and middle fingers.
- Slide the triangles to form a hexagon.
- Select the three green triangles, one at a time placing them in a straight line to the right of the grey hexagon.
- Trace the black lines with the indeax and middle fingers.
- Slide the triangles together to form a trapezoid.
- Select two red quilateral triangles one at a time placing them in a straight line to the right of the red hexagon.
- Trace the black lines with the index and middle fingers.
- Slide the triangles together to form a rhombus.
- Replace the material into the box beginning with the red rhombus.
- Return the material to the shelf in the manner indicated in #3.
Control Of Error
Visual disharmony as well as black guidelines and colors of triangles.
Points Of Interest
Touching and mapping of the black lines. Mixing and pairing the triangles. Naming the various geometric shapes formed.
- To show the various plane figures included in a hexagon.
- Refinement of the discrimination of geometric form.
- Development of concentration, order, coordination, and independence.
- Responds to the sensitive need for order in the child.
- Preparation for geometry.
- Development of the appreciation of line and form.
- Develoment of creativity.
- Proceed as in peresentation 1 throught step #9. Move the six grey triangles of the hexagon to form three rhombi. Then form trapezoids. The unite them to form the hexagon.
- Move the six red triangles of the hexagon to form three rhombi. Then unite them to form the hexagon.
- Compare the green trapezoid with the grey hexagon by removing three grey triangles that form a trapezoid and replace it with the green one.
- Compare one of the rhombi formed by the red triangles with the grey hexagon by removing two of the grey traingles and replacing it with the red rhombus. Remove a second grey rhombus and replace it with a red rhombus. Finally, remove the last grey rhombus from the hexagon and replace it with the last red rhombus. With your index finger, indicate that the black lines show an equilateral triangle contained in the hexagon.
- Fold the grey hexagon in half by overlapping the equilateral triangle, forming a trapezoid.
- Fold over 1 green equilateral triangle, to form a rhombus.
- Fold over the grey trapezoid, to form an identical rhombus. Point out the red, green, grey rhombi again.
- Fold over the two red equilateral triangles (formerly a rhombus) to form another equilateral triangle.
- Fold over the green equilateral triangles (formerly a rhombus) to form another equilateral triangle.
- Fold over all the grey equilateral triangles (formerly a rhombus) to form another equilateral triangle.
- Fold over the red hexagon along the black lines, forming an equilateral triangle.
- Superimpose the yellow control equilateral triangle over the red triangle, to see if it's the same. Line up all the equilateral triangles, pointing out each one (red, green, grey, red, yellow) and place left to right in a row.
- Trace the figures on construction paper and cut them out. Paste on poster board for charts.
- Trace the figures on construction paper and cut them out. Then past the variations on paper and make a booklet.
- Look for hexagonal figures in the environment, in material, in art work, etc.
- Label the various figures.