Stereognostic exercises
Set 1: Mystery bags
Two cloth sacks, each containing a matching set of ten small geometric solids. The blue and red shapes on the outside of the bags can differentiate the drawstrings bags from one another. The contents of the bags can be changed to include familiar objects, e.g. teaspoon, cotton reel, large button, ring, marble, coin, key, etc.
Set 2: Directress- made materials
Sets of objects similar in shape, but different in size, e.g. buttons. There should b several of each size and they should be coded-coded; small dishes and a tray.
Set 3: Directress- made materials
Sets of objects different in size and shape, e.g. small beads, dried peas, and beans. Small dish and a tray.
If the presentation is carried out as a group activity, then it can be done on the floor mat. If it is an individual exercise, then it can be carried out on the table. (Note: work cycle to be observed)
Exercise 1:
- The Directress hangs one of the Mystery bags round the child's neck and the other around her own neck.
- Then she slips her hands through the side pockets and feels the materials in it.
- The Directress finds a shape, e.g. a sphere, brings it out and shows the child.
- The child then slips her own hands through the side pocket of the mystery bag and finds the same shape and brings it out of her bag.
- The exercise continues in this way until all the solids have been paired.
Exercise 2:
- Bags are filled with familiar objects from the classroom. The children sit in a circle. The bag is passed around and the children, in turn, close their eyes and bring out an object, hold it up for other children to see and name it with his eyes still closed. All the other children are involved because they are checking to see if their friends can name the selected object correctly.
Exercise 3 (using set 2 materials):
- The child closes his eyes, take an object, e.g. a button. He then finds the matching one of the same size and places them in a tray.
Exercise 4 (using set 3 materials):
- The child selects one object and then finds the matching object in terms of size and shapes.
Control Of Error
The exercises are done with child blindfolded. The child checks the exercise through the sense of sight.
Points Of Interest
Stereognostic means the recognition of objects through the simultaneous use of tactile and muscular senses.
- Help the child develop awareness and recognition or regular solids and other familiar objects.
- Develop new language.
The child takes the different sets of objects and sorts them as presented. Two children can play the Mystery game.